Gliders Chairs
Let me spoil everyone utilizing this type of Gliders Chairs picture collection which showcasing magnificent your home patterns. For all of us whom are searching for a daydream dwelling pattern, this Gliders Chairs image collection is the right way to obtain creative ideas. Accomplish your personal wish by way of grasping each and every impression in Gliders Chairs picture collection properly. The design loaded by Gliders Chairs snapshot gallery would have been a guideline inside acknowledging your daydream dwelling. Do not let the home glance poor, merely decorate it with the suggestions coming from Gliders Chairs snapshot collection. It can be vital so you might have got a pleasant dwelling for the reason that welcomed in Gliders Chairs pic stock because you will spend too much effort from home daily.
As noun
a motorless, heavier-than-air aircraft for gliding from a higher to a lower level by the action of gravity or from a lower to a higher level by the action of air currents
a porch swing made of an upholstered seat suspended from a steel framework by links or springs
a person or thing that glides
a person who pilots a glider
As noun
a seat, especially for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms
something that serves as a chair or supports like a chair:The two men clasped hands to make a chair for their injured companion
a seat of office or authority
a position of authority, as of a judge, professor, etc
the person occupying a seat of office, especially the chairperson of a meeting:The speaker addressed the chair
(in an orchestra) the position of a player, assigned by rank; desk:first clarinet chair
the chair, Informal
electric chair
sedan chair
(in reinforced-concrete construction) a device for maintaining the position of reinforcing rods or strands during the pouring operation
a glassmaker's bench having extended arms on which a blowpipe is rolled in shaping glass
British Railroads
a metal block for supporting a rail and securing it to a crosstie or the like
As verb (used with object)
to place or seat in a chair
to install in office
to preside over; act as chairperson of:to chair a committee
to carry (a hero or victor) aloft in triumph
As verb (used without object)
to preside over a meeting, committee, etc
As Idioms
get the chair, to be sentenced to die in the electric chair
take the chair, to begin or open a meeting
to preside at a meeting; act as chairperson
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Gliders Chairs Images Collection
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