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As noun
Mon·te [mawn-te] /ˈmɔn tɛ/ (Show IPA)
Italian name of Mont Blanc
com UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc
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Examples from the Web for Bianco Expand Contemporary ExamplesBianco was only too aware of the criticism that the scene and its ilk engendered, and expected it
‘Game of Thrones’: Esmé Bianco Talks About Ros, Sexposition, Nudity, and More Jace Lacob May ,
In person, Bianco is striking: graceful and porcelain-skinned, a soigné swan
‘Game of Thrones’: Esmé Bianco Talks About Ros, Sexposition, Nudity, and More Jace Lacob May ,
Yet Bianco thinks that the objectification of women in situations like these is not really relevant anymore
‘Game of Thrones’: Esmé Bianco Talks About Ros, Sexposition, Nudity, and More Jace Lacob May , Historical Examples
Bianco is young and giddy, but full of talent when he chooses to apply it
Anecdotes of Dogs Edward Jesse
Miss Bianco is remarkable now; and she will be what she will be
The London Mercury, Vol
I, Nos
-, November to AprilVarious
As to the Bianco of , we may here add a word to what has been already said
The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Cardinal Bianco would not speak, because to speak of the future seemed to him to be Cf
Villani's Chronicle Giovanni Villani
Behind one of Miss Bianco's damsels, slit-eyed and straight-fingered, is a path leading to a small crude building
The London Mercury, Vol
I, Nos
-, November to AprilVarious
Miss Bianco is twelve years old—at least she was when these drawings were made
The London Mercury, Vol
I, Nos
-, November to AprilVarious
With the "Bianco mangiare," our familiarity with "blanc-mange," seems at first sight to make us more at home
A Decade of Italian Women, vol
I (of ) T
Adolphus Trollope
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As noun
a coarse-grained igneous rock composed chiefly of orthoclase and albite feldspars and of quartz, usually with lesser amounts of one or more other minerals, as mica, hornblende, or augite
anything compared to this rock in great hardness, firmness, or durability
As noun
a counter, as in a kitchen, especially when covered with a heat- and stain-resistant material
As adjective
designed to fit or be used on a countertop:a countertop microwave oven
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